This page allows you to translate Minecraft plugin language files, which can be loaded with the PCGF PluginLib or any plugin using it.
It has full support for Minecrafts JSON based messages.
To protect your privacy, no data will be uploaded to the server! All your changes only exists on your client! If you close your browser (or the tab) in which you have the site is opened or reload the page, all your changes will be gone!
This site will not work correctly when beeing used with Google Translate!!!
Choose the language of the translation:
Currently not used, just put something random in it | ||
Will be used as file name |
A language name and a language code have to be given to proceed to the next step!
Choose the language file you want to edit:
A valid language file has to be selected to proceed to the translation page!
Translation JSON:
Translation preview:
Translation JSON:
Translation preview: